At my work we have a system that generally speaking consists of two Oracle 10g databases, the ‘SpatialDB’ and the ‘AppDB’. The SpatialDB holds a multi-gigabyte set of static national road-network geometry data and the AppDB holds the dynamic runtime data. A database link is defined in the AppDB so that it can query the SpatialDB and invoke stored procedures.
Generally what happens is that an action somewhere in the system (user interaction, external system communications, etc.), will result in something happening in the database.
In this case a package method in the AppDB needed to obtain a geometry from the SpatialDB. Surprisingly, this turned out to be a quite a difficult thing to achieve. It seems that along with cursors, LOBs and objects in general, an SDO_GEOMETRY cannot be transported across a database link as an out parameter of a package method. The following is a summary of the methods I discovered for overcoming this.
Method #1 – Use the SQL Engine
Whilst PLSQL cannot cope with transporting objects across a database link, it turns out that the SQL engine copes just fine. Objects from the remote database can be selected into a local table and then that table can be queried to obtain the result.
Method #2 – Transport via WKT
Oracle 10g contains methods for transforming a geometry into a format called ‘Well Known Text’, which is a string representation for geometries. Two methods are provided for these transformations, SDO_UTIL.TO_WKTGEOMETRY and SDO_UTIL.FROM_WKTGEOMETRY.
The technique here is to transform the geometry into a WKT string on the remote side, transfer the string across as a PLSQL out parameter, then transform the string back into a geometry object on the local side.
However, the following limitations must be noted.
- Transfering the string as a VARCHAR2 type will limit its length to 32767 characters.
- No 3D support.
- The SRID (reference system) is not preserved.
- Complex geometries are not supported.
Method #3 – Transport via GML
Having read that Oracle’s GML implementation gave better geometry support, I thought I would give it a try instead of WKT. I was a bit concerned about the amount of valuable VARCHAR2 space that would be wasted on XML tags, but I never got as far as testing whether it would be an issue.
So in a similar fashion to the WKT support, in the SDO_UTIL package you will find a TO_GMLGEOMETRY method to convert your geometry object into a GML string. Unfortunately for users of 10g, you will not find any corresponding method to convert GML into a geometry object. Disappointing to say the least.
Method #4 – Transport via Custom String
My final solution was to write my own conversion routine that simply took the geometry object and encoded its data members into a CSV string. This format does not attempt to interpret the geometry data, so all geometries and all dimensions are supported. SRID data is also preserved and because the transformation is doing less work that the WKT methods, it turns out to be faster too.
The tables below give the times recorded for encoding and decoding geometries of varying sizes and quantities. Times are in seconds.
2 Vertex Line Encoding
Time taken to encode a line with 2 vertices.
WKT | GML | Custom | |
1 Geometry | 0.009328 | 0.002073 | 0.000057 |
100 Geometries | 0.124836 | 0.154757 | 0.002367 |
2 Vertex Line Decoding
Time taken to decode a line with 2 vertices.
WKT | GML | Custom | |
1 Geometry | 0.001482 | 0.009657 | 0.000616 |
100 Geometries | 0.036376 | 0.081836 | 0.046199 |
100 Vertex Line Encoding
Time taken to encode a line with 100 vertices.
WKT | GML | Custom | |
1 Geometry | 0.001141 | 0.003194 | 0.000627 |
100 Geometries | 0.293802 | 0.273061 | 0.06347 |
100 Vertex Line Decoding
Time taken to decode a line with 2 vertices.
WKT | GML | Custom | |
1 Geometry | 0.001889 | 0.003083 | 0.002381 |
100 Geometries | 0.24252 | 0.251887 | 0.239928 |
The encoding of the sdo_geometry objects to a custom string format is clearly faster that encoding to WKT or GML using the stand methods in SDO_UTIL. This is especially true for simple geometries with few vertices.
The decoding of the custom string format back into sdo_geometry objects did not exhibit the same performance benefit, although the performance of decoding one simple 2-vertex geometry did show a marked improvement.
There are two main reasons I can see for the custom string encoding methods having a performance advantage.
- The custom string format is a closer representation of the binary format of the object with less translation required by the encoding logic.
- The custom string format is implemented in PL/SQL and not Java like the other methods. Although Java code should have a performance advantage, it seems likely that the cost of switching context between PL/SQL and Java is a significant overhead.
I hope you find the code useful. If you find any bugs or make any improvements, I would appreciate the feedback.
CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE pg_user_geom_util AS -- copyright (c) 2012, Nicander Ltd -- Translates a geometry object into a string representation -- for storage and transport. See also StringToGeom. FUNCTION GeomToString(pGeom IN mdsys.sdo_geometry ) RETURN VARCHAR2 DETERMINISTIC; PROCEDURE Test_GeomToString; -- Translate a geometry string representation into a geometry object. -- See also GeomToString. FUNCTION StringToGeom(pString IN VARCHAR2) RETURN MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY DETERMINISTIC; PROCEDURE Test_StringToGeom; -- Tests the conversion between sdo_geometry objects and a string representation. -- Tests for pGeomCount geometries, each with pGeomVertexCount vertices. PROCEDURE PerfTest_GeomStrings(pGeomCount IN INTEGER, pGeomVertexCount IN INTEGER); -- Runs PerfTest_GeomStrings(INTEGER, INTEGER) for a selection of values. PROCEDURE PerfTest_GeomStrings; END pg_user_geom_util; / show errors package pg_user_geom_util;
CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY pg_user_geom_util AS -- copyright (c) 2012, Nicander Ltd -- Gets the next token in a separated list. See StringToGeom for an example. PROCEDURE get_token( iStart IN NUMBER, sPattern in VARCHAR2, sBuffer in VARCHAR2, sResult OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2, iNextPos OUT NOCOPY NUMBER ) IS nPos1 number; nPos2 number; BEGIN nPos1 := Instr(sBuffer, sPattern, iStart); IF nPos1 = 0 then sResult := rtrim(ltrim(substr(sBuffer, iStart, LENGTH(sBuffer) - iStart))); ELSE sResult := Rtrim(Ltrim(Substr(sBuffer, iStart, nPos1 - iStart))); iNextPos := nPos1 + 1; END IF; END; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION NumberToString(pNumber IN NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS BEGIN IF (pNumber IS NULL) THEN RETURN 'NULL'; ELSE RETURN TO_CHAR(pNumber); END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN --DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Exception caught: ' || DBMS_UTILITY.FORMAT_ERROR_STACK() || ', ' || DBMS_UTILITY.FORMAT_ERROR_BACKTRACE()); RETURN 'NULL'; END; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION StringToNumber(pString IN VARCHAR2) RETURN NUMBER IS BEGIN RETURN TO_NUMBER(pString); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN --DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Exception caught: ' || DBMS_UTILITY.FORMAT_ERROR_STACK() || ', ' || DBMS_UTILITY.FORMAT_ERROR_BACKTRACE()); RETURN NULL; END; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- String format is as follows: -- -- <GTYPE>,<SRID>,<POINT>,<ELEM_INFO>,<ORDINATES> -- -- Where: -- <GTYPE> :=<optionAL_NUMBER> -- <SRID> :=<optionAL_NUMBER> -- <POINT> := NULL | SDO_POINT_TYPE, OPTIONAL_NUMBER, OPTIONAL_NUMBER, OPTIONAL_NUMBER -- <ELEM_INFO> := NULL | SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY, NUMBER, {OPTIONAL_NUMBER, ...} -- <ORDINATES> := NULL | SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY, NUMBER, {OPTIONAL_NUMBER, ...} -- --<optionAL_NUMBER> := NULL | NUMBER -- entries in curly braces are repeated from n times FUNCTION GeomToString(pGeom IN mdsys.sdo_geometry ) RETURN VARCHAR2 DETERMINISTIC IS vString VARCHAR(32767); vCount NUMBER; BEGIN -- GTYPE vString := NumberToString(pGeom.SDO_GTYPE); -- SRID vString := vString || ',' || NumberToString(pGeom.SDO_SRID); -- POINT IF (pGeom.SDO_POINT IS NULL) THEN vString := vString || ',NULL'; ELSE vString := vString || ',SDO_POINT_TYPE,' || NumberToString(pGeom.SDO_POINT.X) || ',' || NumberToString(pGeom.SDO_POINT.Y) || ',' || NumberToString(pGeom.SDO_POINT.Z); END IF; -- ELEM_INFO IF (pGeom.SDO_ELEM_INFO IS NULL) THEN vString := vString || ',NULL'; ELSE vCount := pGeom.SDO_ELEM_INFO.COUNT; vString := vString || ',SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY,' || vCount; FOR i IN 1..vCount LOOP vString := vString || ',' || NumberToString(pGeom.SDO_ELEM_INFO(i)); END LOOP; END IF; -- ORDINATES IF (pGeom.SDO_ORDINATES IS NULL) THEN vString := vString || ',NULL'; ELSE vCount := pGeom.SDO_ORDINATES.COUNT; vString := vString || ',SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY,' || vCount; FOR i IN 1..vCount LOOP vString := vString || ',' || NumberToString(pGeom.SDO_ORDINATES(i)); END LOOP; END IF; RETURN vString; END; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE Test_GeomToString IS vGeom MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY; vString VARCHAR2(32767); BEGIN -- TEST CASE 1 - POINT dbms_output.put_line('----- TEST CASE 1 -----'); vGeom := mdsys.sdo_geometry( 2001, NULL, MDSYS.SDO_POINT_TYPE(12345, 67890, NULL), null, null ); dbms_output.put_line('Src Geom: ' || SDO_UTIL.TO_WKTGEOMETRY(vGeom)); vString := GeomToString(vGeom); IF (vString IS NULL) THEN vString := '<NULL>'; END IF; dbms_output.put_line('Dest String: ' || vString); -- TEST CASE 2 - LINE dbms_output.put_line('----- TEST CASE 2 -----'); vGeom := MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY(2002,NULL,NULL,MDSYS.SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1,2,1),MDSYS.SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(652737.95,6589964.213,652741.222,6589983.148,652746.77,6590018.745,652752.029,6590050.2,652759.351,6590085.732)); dbms_output.put_line('Src Geom: ' || SDO_UTIL.TO_WKTGEOMETRY(vGeom)); vString := GeomToString(vGeom); IF (vString IS NULL) THEN vString := '<NULL>'; END IF; dbms_output.put_line('Dest String: ' || vString); END; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION StringToGeom(pString IN VARCHAR2) RETURN MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY DETERMINISTIC IS vGeom MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY; vPos NUMBER := 1; vNextPos NUMBER := 1; vToken VARCHAR2(32767); vSep CONSTANT VARCHAR2(2) := ','; vCount NUMBER; BEGIN vGeom := MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY('POINT(0 0)'); -- GTYPE get_token(vPos, vSep, pString, vToken, vNextPos); vPos := vNextPos; vGeom.SDO_GTYPE := StringToNumber(vToken); -- SRID get_token(vPos, vSep, pString, vToken, vNextPos); vPos := vNextPos; vGeom.SDO_SRID := StringToNumber(vToken); -- POINT get_token(vPos, vSep, pString, vToken, vNextPos); vPos := vNextPos; IF (UPPER(vToken) LIKE 'SDO_POINT_TYPE') THEN vGeom.SDO_POINT := MDSYS.SDO_POINT_TYPE(NULL, NULL, NULL); get_token(vPos, vSep, pString, vToken, vNextPos); vPos := vNextPos; vGeom.SDO_POINT.X := StringToNumber(vToken); get_token(vPos, vSep, pString, vToken, vNextPos); vPos := vNextPos; vGeom.SDO_POINT.Y := StringToNumber(vToken); get_token(vPos, vSep, pString, vToken, vNextPos); vPos := vNextPos; vGeom.SDO_POINT.Z := StringToNumber(vToken); ELSE vGeom.SDO_POINT := NULL; END IF; -- ELEM_INFO get_token(vPos, vSep, pString, vToken, vNextPos); vPos := vNextPos; IF (UPPER(vToken) LIKE 'SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY') THEN vGeom.SDO_ELEM_INFO := MDSYS.SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(); get_token(vPos, vSep, pString, vToken, vNextPos); vPos := vNextPos; vCount := StringToNumber(vToken); IF (vCount > 0) THEN vGeom.SDO_ELEM_INFO.EXTEND(vCount); FOR i IN 1..vCount LOOP get_token(vPos, vSep, pString, vToken, vNextPos); vPos := vNextPos; vGeom.SDO_ELEM_INFO(i) := StringToNumber(vToken); END LOOP; END IF; ELSE vGeom.SDO_ELEM_INFO := NULL; END IF; -- ORDINATES get_token(vPos, vSep, pString, vToken, vNextPos); vPos := vNextPos; IF (UPPER(vToken) LIKE 'SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY') THEN vGeom.SDO_ORDINATES := MDSYS.SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(); get_token(vPos, vSep, pString, vToken, vNextPos); vPos := vNextPos; vCount := StringToNumber(vToken); IF (vCount > 0) THEN vGeom.SDO_ORDINATES.EXTEND(vCount); FOR i IN 1..vCount LOOP get_token(vPos, vSep, pString, vToken, vNextPos); vPos := vNextPos; vGeom.SDO_ORDINATES(i) := StringToNumber(vToken); END LOOP; END IF; ELSE vGeom.SDO_ORDINATES := NULL; END IF; RETURN vGeom; END; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE Test_StringToGeom IS vString VARCHAR2(32767); vGeom MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY; BEGIN -- TEST CASE 1 - POINT dbms_output.put_line('----- TEST CASE 1 -----'); vString := '2001,NULL,SDO_POINT_TYPE,12345,67890,NULL,NULL,NULL'; dbms_output.put_line('src string: ' || vString); vGeom := StringToGeom(vString); dbms_output.put_line('dest geom: ' || SDO_UTIL.TO_WKTGEOMETRY(vGeom)); -- TEST CASE 2 - LINE dbms_output.put_line('----- TEST CASE 2 -----'); vString := '2002,NULL,NULL,SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY,3,1,2,1,SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY,10,652737.95,6589964.213,652741.222,6589983.148,652746.77,6590018.745,652752.029,6590050.2,652759.351,6590085.732'; dbms_output.put_line('src string: ' || vString); vGeom := StringToGeom(vString); dbms_output.put_line('dest geom: ' || SDO_UTIL.TO_WKTGEOMETRY(vGeom)); END; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE PerfTest_GeomStrings(pGeomCount IN INTEGER, pGeomVertexCount IN INTEGER) IS TYPE geom_array IS VARRAY(1000) OF MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY; vGeoms geom_array := geom_array(); vWKTGeoms geom_array := geom_array(); vGMLGeoms geom_array := geom_array(); vCustomGeoms geom_array := geom_array(); TYPE string_array IS VARRAY(1000) OF VARCHAR2(32767); vWkts string_array := string_array(); vGmls string_array := string_array(); vCustoms string_array := string_array(); vWktStart timestamp; vWktEncDelta interval day to second; vWktDecDelta interval day to second; vGmlStart timestamp; vGmlEncDelta interval day to second; vGmlDecDelta interval day to second; vCustomStart timestamp; vCustomEncDelta interval day to second; vCustomDecDelta interval day to second; vTempOrdinates MDSYS.SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY; BEGIN dbms_output.put_line('----- ' || pGeomCount || ' geometries with ' || pGeomVertexCount || ' vertices -----'); vGeoms.extend(pGeomCount); vWKTGeoms.extend(pGeomCount); vGMLGeoms.extend(pGeomCount); vCustomGeoms.extend(pGeomCount); vWkts.extend(pGeomCount); vGmls.extend(pGeomCount); vCustoms.extend(pGeomCount); FOR i IN 1..pGeomCount LOOP vTempOrdinates := MDSYS.SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(); vTempOrdinates.extend(pGeomVertexCount*2); FOR j IN 1..(pGeomVertexCount*2) LOOP vTempOrdinates(j) := i + j; END LOOP; vGeoms(i) := mdsys.sdo_geometry(2002, NULL, NULL, MDSYS.SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1,2,1), vTempOrdinates); END LOOP; -- encode to WKT vWktStart := systimestamp; FOR i IN 1..pGeomCount LOOP vWkts(i) := SDO_UTIL.TO_WKTGEOMETRY(vGeoms(i)); END LOOP; vWktEncDelta := systimestamp - vWktStart; -- encode to GML vGmlStart := systimestamp; FOR i IN 1..pGeomCount LOOP vGmls(i) := SDO_UTIL.TO_GMLGEOMETRY(vGeoms(i)); END LOOP; vGmlEncDelta := systimestamp - vGmlStart; -- encode to custom vCustomStart := systimestamp; FOR i IN 1..pGeomCount LOOP vCustoms(i) := GeomToString(vGeoms(i)); END LOOP; vCustomEncDelta := systimestamp - vCustomStart; -- decode from WKT vWktStart := systimestamp; FOR i IN 1..pGeomCount LOOP vWKTGeoms(i) := SDO_UTIL.FROM_WKTGEOMETRY(vWkts(i)); END LOOP; vWktDecDelta := systimestamp - vWktStart; -- decode from GML vGmlStart := systimestamp; FOR i IN 1..pGeomCount LOOP vGMLGeoms(i) := SDO_UTIL.FROM_GMLGEOMETRY(vGMLs(i)); END LOOP; vGmlDecDelta := systimestamp - vGmlStart; -- decode from custom vCustomStart := systimestamp; FOR i IN 1..pGeomCount LOOP vCustomGeoms(i) := StringToGeom(vCustoms(i)); END LOOP; vCustomDecDelta := systimestamp - vCustomStart; dbms_output.put_line('Encoding to WKT took ' || extract(second from vWktEncDelta) || ' seconds'); dbms_output.put_line('Encoding to GML took ' || extract(second from vGmlEncDelta) || ' seconds'); dbms_output.put_line('Encoding to custom took ' || extract(second from vCustomEncDelta) || ' seconds'); dbms_output.put_line('Decoding from WKT took ' || extract(second from vWktDecDelta) || ' seconds'); dbms_output.put_line('Decoding from GML took ' || extract(second from vGmlDecDelta) || ' seconds'); dbms_output.put_line('Decoding from custom took ' || extract(second from vCustomDecDelta) || ' seconds'); dbms_output.put_line('----------------------------------------'); dbms_output.put_line(' '); END; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE PerfTest_GeomStrings IS BEGIN -- geometries with 2 vertices PerfTest_GeomStrings(1, 2); PerfTest_GeomStrings(10, 2); PerfTest_GeomStrings(100, 2); PerfTest_GeomStrings(1000, 2); -- geometries with 10 vertices PerfTest_GeomStrings(1, 10); PerfTest_GeomStrings(10, 10); PerfTest_GeomStrings(100, 10); PerfTest_GeomStrings(1000, 10); -- geometries with 100 vertices PerfTest_GeomStrings(1, 100); PerfTest_GeomStrings(10, 100); PerfTest_GeomStrings(100, 100); PerfTest_GeomStrings(1000, 100); -- geometries with 1000 vertices PerfTest_GeomStrings(1, 1000); PerfTest_GeomStrings(10, 1000); PerfTest_GeomStrings(100, 1000); PerfTest_GeomStrings(1000, 1000); END; END pg_user_geom_util; / show errors package body pg_user_geom_util;
Thank you for sharing the code. We struck the same problem and this appears to have solved the problem with minimal coding for us using your package.
We used an insert trigger on a local table to call a remote procedure with parameters for the fields and geomtostring procedure for the sdo field. The remote procedure then inserted into a remote table with parameters for the fields and stringtogeom procedure. It has worked very nicely.
Greatly appreciated!